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Fall is the best time to seed new lawns and the best time to incorporate Mushroom Compost into your seeding plan. Prepare the seed area by covering with 1 – 2 inches (or 3 – 6 cubic yards per 1,000 feet) of Mushroom Compost, till into the soil to a depth of 4 – 6 inches for maximum benefit.
What is Artillery Fungus? The artillery fungus, identified as a Sphaerobous sp., has become a serious problem in landscape mulch, particularly in wood-based mulches. Mixing Mushroom Compost with landscape mulch can help suppress growth and sporulation of the artillery fungus. According to research studies at Penn State by Dr. Donald Davis, when Mushroom Compost is mixed with mulch in proportions of just 20 to 40 percent, the artillery fungus is inhibited.